Yakky - Practice your language skills by chatting with AI | Product Hunt

Practice languages with AI in real-life scenarios

Practice languages through conversations with AI in customizable real-life scenarios. Enjoy a personalized learning experience with instant help and feedback.

Download on the App Store

How does it work?

1. Define a scenario

Describe a real-life scenario that you want to practice (e.g. ordering 🍕, asking for directions 🗺️, meeting a girl in a club ❤️, etc.)

2. Chat with Yakky

Text to Yakky as if you were in that scenario. Yakky will respond as if it was a real person.

3. Improve your conversation skills

Don't know a word? Tap on it to get a translation and add it to your vocabulary list. Want instant feedback? Tap on the Correct button to get a detailed analysis of your conversation.

All you need to become comfortable inreal-life interactions

  • Tap on words you do not know from Yakky's messages to get a translation and add them to your vocabulary list. Review and memorize them later!
  • You're not sure of the meaning of a sentence in Yakky's messages? Tap on it to get a translation in English.
  • You want to know if your messages are idiomatic? Tap on the Correct button to know what a local would have said!


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Arabic, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, French, Spanish

  • Not yet, but we are working on it.

  • Other language learning apps takes you from 0 to 1. Yakky takes you to basic vocabulary knowledge to real-life conversation skills.

  • Yes! Yakky has features that help you learn the language. To help you, Yakky offers instant translation of all messages from Yakky. Don't know how to reply? Reply in English and have your answer translated. Tap on words you do not know and memorize them.